Students Heading Back To College Fall? Major Universities in Boston are Planning On It.

Boston: known for its historic charm, lobster rolls, and proximity of colleges and droves of students that flood the city come September. However, COVID-19 has added a giant question mark to what education will look like come the 2020 Fall semester.

Just this week, presidents of major colleges in Boston have stated that they are making every effort to have students back on campus this fall.

Governor Baker’s 4-phased reopening plan states that colleges and universities in Massachusetts will have a custom reopening plan. That said, it’s not until Phase 2 and 3 of the plan that colleges will have an in-person and remote learning

According to the plan, colleges and universities will develop a gradual, customized reopening plan. Here is what we currently know about the plans of Massachusett’s colleges and universities:

  • Boston College: Stated earlier this week that it “intends” to resume classes on campus this fall, however, said that administrators will continue to review the situation.
  • Boston University: The university is developing plans for both in-person and online classes but hasn’t made a decision yet on how undergraduates, will start the fall semester.
  • UMass Amherst: Anticipated that classes will be a combination of in-person and online
  • Northeastern University: Northeastern is planning to return to campus in the fall, but the school will establish new policies to help protect students and faculty from the virus.
  • Bunker Hill Community College: A majority of classes this fall will be taught online or in a hybrid format with a smaller number held in person.
  • Cape Cod Community College: Announced that the fall semester will be online
  • Harvard University: Preparing for many, if not all, classes to be remote this fall