According to a press release released by the city, the renovation will transform City Hall plaza into a “civic space for all residents” and feature increased environmental sustainability, and infrastructure improvements.
For many, this renovation will have been a long time coming. The goal of this project will be to move City Hall Plaza toward a more accessible and sustainable public place.
When asked about the renovations, Mayor Walsh stated that, “City Hall Plaza is one of Boston’s most-used public spaces, and we are working hard to create safe areas for residents to gather as we strengthen our commitment to civic services in our City.”
Some changes to City Hall include:
- Event accommodations for up to 12,000 people
- Speaker corner advancements
- North building entry re-opening
- Addition of a platform for different performance sizes
- Water and sewer advancements
So, when can we expect to see some changes? According to the construction group, the three-phased work will begin in August 2020, and is anticipated to be completed in 20 months.
For additional information on the projects, along with a live webcam to watch the project updates, check out the web site