Red Sox

Looks like we’ll be seeing the Red Sox after all. Just this week, Major League Baseball and the MLB Players have finally agreed to the terms of the 2020 baseball season.

The sports drought is over. After a long time without baseball, the MLB & MLBPA have agreed to a 60-game season that will begin on July 23rd or 24th, sans fans. The compressed schedule allows for 60 games over 66 days, ending the season at the end of September.

Wondering where it will take place? The shortened season will likely have teams playing one another in geographical location. For example, teams in the East will only play teams in the East, leaving room for some fun match-ups that you typically wouldn’t see. With health and safety as a priority for the MLB, the teams will be keeping travel to a minimum.

One of the most exciting updates is that “spring training” will be taking place at Fenway Park. According to, the Red Sox has not held spring training in Massachusetts since 1943.

While we might not be able to see a game in person, knowing that the team is back and we’ll get to see some sports this year is worthwhile.