Boston Celtics


Boston Celtics fans look forward to basketball season all year long. So, naturally news of the NBA season postponement is disappointing to fans. That said, due to the health of the players and fans, it was a necessary step. The current plan is just to postpone the season for a month. The news was released when it was determined that at least one NBA player had contracted the coronavirus. Obviously, Celtics ticketholders and fans will have questions about what the NBA season postponement means for the Celtics. If you’re one of those fans, keep reading for more information.

What is happening with the NBA Season postponement? Basically, the coronavirus has led to the cancellation or postponement of several events, including several sports. Where the NBA is concerned, a player tested positive for coronavirus and after that the decision was made to start the NBA season postponement. Games are on hold for the month, but could begin again in April, if all goes well. Whether the season is able to start up again will likely depend on the path the coronavirus continues to take.

Are the rest of the Celtics games canceled for this season? It’s hard to say what will happen with the rest of the season. What we know right now, is that there is an NBA season postponement. No teams will play any games for the next month. The hope is to be able to finish the season, but plans will likely be made once the path of the coronavirus is clearer.

Will any postponed Celtics games be rescheduled? Not too much is known about the plans at this point, but one possible outcome will be that the postponed games are all rescheduled. If it’s determined that they need to postpone the season even longer they may opt to cancel the remainder of the season or to offer a shorter season. We will be sure to let you know what’s decided when the information is released.

I have tickets for upcoming games! Will I get a refund? The NBA is planning to work with ticketholding fans. If the season is continued and games are rescheduled, ticketholders will receive a credit to get into an equivalent game. Another option allows you to receive a refund for your tickets.

With many sports, festivals, and events getting postponed, the NBA season postponement shouldn’t come as a big surprise. Hopefully, this gives you the answers you needed. We’ll be sure to update you on the future of the Celtics season as we get more information.