some good news screenshot

Screenshot from “Some Good News” on YouTube

Yesterday, John Krasinski featured Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center’s COVID-19 unit on his new online show, “Some Good News.” While video chatting with the local COVID-19 unit, Krasinski surprised them with a special appearance with David Ortiz, the Red Sox legend. But the appearance alone wasn’t all. Ortiz and Krasinski announced that the Red Sox would be donating free Red Sox tickets for life to “you and everybody at Beth Israel.”

Krasinski then arranged for a sanitized duck boat to pick up the nurses and take them on a trip to Fenway Park.

Krasinski also introduced the nurses to his wife, Emily Blunt. Krasinski also goes on to say that “we are all missing something, but you guys are missing something on an extreme scale that we will never be able to repay you for.”

The nurses got to run on the empty field, where Ortiz the mayor, the governor, and the entire Red Sox team cheered them on over the giant screens. The staff then threw out first pitches, did the wave, ran the bases, and had a great time.