Chelmsford Catholic Collaborative Is Hosting Drive Thru Confessions

Photo courtesy of Chelmsford Catholic Collaborative Facebook

Churches all over Massachusetts have suspending in-person services due to the coronavirus outbreak, with many opting for online services. One church is getting creative with a different kind of offering. The priests of Chelmsford Catholic Collaborative have taken confessions outdoors and are now offering drive thru confessions to parishioners.

Confessions will be held each Wednesday from 4 pm -6 pm until the end of the ban directed by the Archdiocese of Boston and Governor Baker.

The Chelmsford Catholic Collaborative is also hosting services online here. The schedule is as follows:

  • WEEKEND LITURGY: Sat at 4 pm and Sun at 11 am
  • DAILY MASS: Monday – Friday at 9 am
  • CHAPLET of DIVINE MERCY: Sunday – Saturday at 3 pm
  • ROSARY: Saturday – Thursday at 7 pm
  • STATIONS of THE CROSS: Friday at 7 pm
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