
Ever wanted to learn how exactly a Bluetooth speaker is made? Or maybe an obstacle avoiding robot? Learn how to build your own electronics at home, with Creation Crate!

When you sign up for Creation Crate, everything you need for your electronics project will be delivered right to your door. Not only will you learn to build awesome electronics, but also prepare for future job prospects.

In addition to receiving components for your projects, you’ll also receive access to an online classroom that includes step-by-step video tutorials. Pricing for projects ranges from $25.99 – $79.99. While recommended for those ages 12+, Creation Crate has seen participants as young as 8 complete projects with their parents.

Projects become more and more challenging as you learn new components and commands. For example, beginners, Creation Crate offers a Mood Lamp project, that turns on and changes colors when it’s dark.

For those more advanced, Creation Crate offers a Challenger Project, which is meant to test your knowledge and give you functional products that you can use at home. One of these projects is a Bluetooth Speaker. You’ll learn all about sounds, Bluetooth, and resistors to create your own Bluetooth speaker.

Click here to get started on your next electronics project!