tesla moving fort worth

Tesla might be making Fort Worth the new home of their headquarters. Dallas is another option, but Elon Musk might lean towards familiar territory. Either way, Texas looks to be a strong candidate for housing Tesla.

Recently, Elon Musk took to Twitter and sparked fierce competition for Tesla’s new headquarters location. The Tesla CEO himself tweeted out the new location will either be in Texas or Nevada “immediately.”

Statewide restrictions in California forced Tesla factories to stay closed during the Covid-19 pandemic, which is what is motivating Elon to move.

Both Fort Worth and Dallas mayors have pitched to the automotive giant on why they should be chosen.

“We’ve had Tesla here before. I had lunch with Elon Musk several years ago when he was looking for a place for his battery plant,” according to Fort Worth Mayor Betsy Price. “So, he knows a little bit about Fort Worth. So, I think it is a great time to be recruiting him.”

Elon was also reminded by Price about how Fort Worth has the largest amount of available space for development among all other major cities in Texas, 70,000 acres. Which is double of the 30,000 available in Dallas.

Price also hinted at Musk how he would not be the only business leader looking towards Fort Worth for future developments.

The Fort Worth mayor is doing all she can to grab the attention of Tesla’s CEO in case he is serious about moving out of California, and not just making empty threats aimed at California officials on Twitter.

Mayor Betsy Price understands right now is a crucial time to jump on an opportunity that will be extremely beneficial to the city of Fort Worth.

“Every city is going to lose some jobs and some businesses, so you’ve got to replace them,” Price said. “We want to get the message out. We’re here. We’re ready to help you.”

All of this is coming after the announcement of the Post-COVID-19 Economic Task Force, which is an effort to get the Fort Worth economy back on track. It’s a 12-month initiative focusing on recovery and growth.

The addition of Tesla could definitely jump start this effort, but only time will tell whether or not Tesla will be packing their bags and moving out of California, and fortunately down here to Texas.