procterI just got notice of a great new kitchenware offer that lots of people will probably qualify for, just by buying the products they buy everyday. From now until 11/20, if you buy $25 worth of Procter and Gamble products at a participating store, you can mail in your receipt to get a FREE set of pink kitchenware from The Good Cook’s Hope line. This is part of P&G’s “Cooking Up Early Detection” promo. The set includes: a 10-inch saute pan, measuring spoons, a kitchen timer, and a high-temperature spatula. Shipping is free.

Here’s the lowdown. You must buy the items between 9/11/09 and 11/20/09, and they MUST be in a single transaction, on one receipt, from a participating store. Participating stores in our area include Brookshire’s, Target, Walgreens, and Wal-Mart. I have also heard that other out-of-area stores like Rite Aid, Bi-Lo and Publix are participating. Also, the $25 minimum purchase is the pre-coupon price. So if you bought 2 items marked at $12.50 each and then used a $2 coupon on each one, you’d only be spending $21 out of pocket, but the full $25 would still count.

I have seen the official mail-in forms at Brookshires, but not at the other participating stores. Sue Davis, one of the customer service representatives I spoke with, said that’s OK – if you can’t find a form, just get a 3×5  card and put the following info on it:

P&G Cookware Set
Full Name
Mailing Address (no PO Box)
Name of the retailer you bought your items from

The official mail-in form also has a space to write the UPC codes of the items you bought. Sue said if the item’s brand name is listed on the receipt, there’s no need to do this, but if the name is something generic, then write the name of the product and the last 5 digits of the UPC somewhere on the card. (For example, I bought Luvs, a participating product, but it just says “Diapers” on the receipt. So I wrote “Luvs” and then the last 5 digits of the UPC beside it.)

Then include the receipt and circle the qualifying items that you purchased. A copy of the receipt is OK.

Right about now, you might be wondering – what ARE the “qualifying items”? Turns out, just about everything in the P&G line is eligible. I didn’t have time to get a full and complete list from Sue, but here are some examples. Anything with these name brands should be fine: Mr. Clean, Swiffer, Prilosec OTC, Luvs, Dreft, Olay, Pampers, Nyquil, Dayquil. Others listed in the “terms and conditions” on the mail-in form include: Dawn, Crest, Cover Girl, Cheer, Charmin, Gain, Gleem, Camay, Old Spice, Pantene, Pringles, Secret, Tampax, Tide.

If you’re unsure as to whether a product may qualify, you can call this number for help: 877-733-5849. Be sure to postmark the envelope by 11/25/09. The set will be mailed within 10 weeks.

Finally, if you’re curious, here’s what I bought. I got my stuff from Wal-Mart:

Prilosec OTC $22.86
Luvs $7.47
Swiffer Refills $6.17
Minus $1 Swiffer coupon, $3 Prilosec coupon and $5 Luvs coupon = Total cost about $27