burtbeelipIf you’re going to be online any day this week from about 8 to 10 a.m. central, and you have some time to kill, you might want to try and claim your FREE Burts Bees Lip Balm. In celebration of the company’s 25th birthday (or Burt Day, as they call it) they will be giving away 1,000 coupons each day for 25 days, good for a free lip balm.

How to get one, though, is a little tricky. First of all, today the website said that it would start giving them away around 10 a.m. our time, but it didn’t start until well after 10:30. The site also billed it as a sweepstakes, meaning that people would be chosen randomly to receive the coupon. However, judging from how the giveaway seemed to be running today, it appears that they’re giving the coupons out to the first 1,000, rather than picking and choosing the winners.

So now that you’ve been forewarned, go to https://www.burtsbees.com/burtday tomorrow morning and see if you can get in on this freebie. If it’s after 10 our time and you get the message that they’re “still gearing up,” keep refreshing the page every few minutes. Good luck! It’s limited to one per household, so if you manage to get one this week, you can’t get another.