rahrNot planning on attending Rahr Brewing’s Super Bowl Party this Sunday? Then come by the brewery Monday night (Feb. 8) for  its debate-watching party for Bill White, a Democratic candidate for Texas governor. The festivities kick off at 6:30 p.m. and last until 9:30. Admission is free – it’s paid for by the Bill White Committee – and beer will be free, too. Pizza from Mama’s Pizza will be available for purchase. Plus, after watching the debate on live TV, White himself will stop by the brewery to meet Tarrant County residents.

However, if you plan on attending, you must RSVP to the brewery – send a note to tformby [at] swbell.net to let them know you’re coming.

Note: Neither the brewery nor Fort Worth on the Cheap are endorsing any candidate in this race. (I just like to tell people when free beer is available!) According to the e-mail from Rahr, any political candidate is welcome to rent the brewery for an event.

The brewery is located at 701 Galveston Avenue in Fort Worth.