I just stumbled across this one on the Web. Right now, you can go to www.shopsmartlookfab.com to claim a FREE $10 gift card to Hulen Mall, no strings attached. When you get to the web page, just click on offer #2 (or wait for the rotating menu to turn to offer #2) and enter your email address. You’ll be sent a confirmation in your email, which you can then print and take to the mall anytime from Sept. 17 to 19. When you present your e-mail, you’ll get your gift card!

Don’t wait! A limited number of gift cards are given and when I checked in, there were 148 left.

Edited to add: I have not yet received my confirmation e-mail. I am not sure if they are going to send it at a later date or if it just takes a few hours. If you get yours, comment here and let me know how long it took.