Never pay too much for magazines again! Here are some of the cheapest magazine deals out there:
- Pay just $4.39 for one year’s subscription to Rolling Stone via Best Deal Magazines. This price is only valid on Saturday, Oct. 15.
- Pay $3.76 for a 1-year subscription to Fitness via Best Deal Magazines. Use the code WKLYSPEC at checkout to get the discount. Valid through Oct. 16.
- KGB Deals is offering a multi-subscription deal: $18 for your choice of 3 magazine subscriptions via Magazine Metropolis Deals. Choose from Vogue, Maxim, Rolling Stone, Good Housekeeping, Parents, Reader’s Digest, Better Homes & Gardens, Elle, Ebony, Woman’s Day, and more.
- If you have kids, check out this deal from Mamasource: $10 for a 1-year subscription to a kids’ National Wildlife Federation magazine. Teach kids about nature with one of these youth-oriented titles: Ranger Rick, Big Backyard or Animal Baby.