Latest & Greatest Restaurant Coupons for Fort WorthHere’s the latest  restaurant coupons you can print and use to save a little on your next meal out:

Souper Salad – print a “Healthy Start Card” to get a buffet for $4.99. You can reuse this coupon as many times as you like till Feb. 1. A beverage purchase is required.

Denny’s – print a coupon for 20 percent off your check. Good through Jan. 31.

Red Robin – receive $5 off a purchase of $20 or more. This is good through Feb. 7 at the Grapevine location.

Mimi’s Cafe – print a coupon for a free 4-pack of muffins with any breakfast purchase of $7.99 or more through Jan. 20.

Quizno’s – get a free bag of chips and fountain drink with a sub or salad purchase. Good through Jan. 25.

Corner Bakery Cafe – get a free cup of coffee with any breakfast purchase through Feb. 15.

Saleel Limaye
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